Coaching and advisory services for entrepreneurs, founders, authors, artists, and public figures.
I am a creative projects advisor and creative coach for those type-A creatives like you and me.* I help individuals get over creative blocks, and design their personal brands or businesses. Together we envision and create your future.
As a coach, I help you maintain your vision, balance your work/personal life, and manage your creative energy. Most coaches are “results-driven” but I prefer to work with the whole person, not judge them by what they accomplish or how fast they go. Heart-centered coaching addresses each part of your life as a facet in the kaleidoscope of interests, quirks, memories, and desires that collectively comprise you. This holistic approach to coaching delivers results of creative fulfillment, inner peace, and self-acceptance.CREATIVE PROJECTS ADVISOR
I help people get clarity on their projects, and businesses, to find the next actionable steps toward completing their dream. As a Creative Advisor, I can help you create your brand, develop/grow your business, improve your communications, ideate your products/services, analyze your website, establish yourself as an authority, etc.What a branding session can do for you::Take the first step. To go from stuck to unstuck, from cloudy to clear sometimes requires a small step forward, a desire to invest time and energy in yourself. ~ Aliyah Marr
- Product ideation and verbiage
- What to name your product/service/website/book
- Market positioning
- Your strengths/weaknesses
- The profile of your ideal customer/client
- Their language
- Next steps for you
- Ideas and inspirations
I help clients remotely via phone, Zoom, or Skype. I meet a few clients locally in person. You can reserve time with me via email. Sessions are paid in advance, and a 24-hour cancellation notice is required. The buttons below allow you to pay via credit card or bank transfer.* *If we meet in person, you can pay in cash and save the 12% online transaction fee on the prices listed below. Email me if you have questions:Discovery Session for First-Time Clients
You can order a discovery session with me: it helps us get to know each other and determine if we can work together. This is a one-hour session by phone that allows us to determine the scope of your needs if you need advice on a creative project. If you want to order a creative activation or tutoring in software such as Photoshop, Kindle, or WordPress, you can use this button to order an hour of time.Session Hourly Packages
I work on retainer for ongoing coaching or creative projects clients. You can order these packages in groups of 12 hours—you can schedule up to 4 hours per session or just schedule them one hour at a time.New! Buy Hours Online
Once you have had your initial session you can buy as many hours as you want at the price of $120/hour. Order as many hours as you wish.Buy the number of hours you want.
*** Followup
I will be emailing you at the email address you provided with your purchase. Should you have any issues, please contact me at:You know you are missing something. Like losing the keys to your car, you can’t go anywhere until you find the key that unlocks your creativity. ~ Aliyah Marr
Aliyah has a special gift in that she can get to the root of your personal and professional issues very quickly. She is able to open your eyes so that you see aspects of yourself which you have never knew existed. — Mark Ninci
I am hugely impressed with Aliyah’s extraordinary ability to innovatively create new channels of business thinking and out-of-the-box approaches to radical and challenging ideas for enterprise. She has a warm and engaging temperament and persistence to meet the orthodox head-on and root out those conscious and subconscious barriers which disrupt the successful implementation of business and personal goals. — R. Baldwin
I can’t say enough good things about working with Aliyah, she is inspirational, keeps me on track, has sound advice, and is very knowledgeable in many aspects of the creative field. We work as a team: she gets to know your goals and stumbling blocks and works around them to help you make things happen for yourself in innovative ways…I highly recommend her if you’re feeling stuck or need a coach for your life or some particular project. — C. Roshak[display-posts include_excerpt=”true” image_size=”thumbnail” wrapper=”div”]