The Gateway

It’s been my experience that each layer of consciousness is guarded or delimited by a belief system that forms a gateway to the next level. Beliefs, no matter how encompassing, are limitations. So, when you are ready to go to the next level, you are invited (or forced LOL) to …

Creative Chaos

The world is in a state of “creative chaos.” As an artist, I know that chaos precedes creation. Art makes order from chaos. We are creatures who love to create, we create order or structure from chaos. But what we have so far experienced in the old world is like …

Are You Free Falling?

Vertigo and nausea are the “physical symptoms” while confusion and depression are the emotional symptoms. It’s the Void and the longer we are in there the more we are letting go and the bigger creative “big bang” we will experience upon our final exit. You may have been in the …

The Void

I have seen those who feel they can teach spirituality who are actually just part of the whole system we need to leave. These “teachers” are embedded in a system which adheres to the Savior complex of the Piscean age. This is due to the idea of hierarchy and valuation: …

The Alchemy of Love

This is not an Earth school, it is a playground where we remember how to love while in extreme density. We are powerful beings—all of us, and to judge another is not an expression of love. To judge ourselves for our trauma—what I call the “incarnational wound of birth”—the descent …

Emotional Releasing

I know you know this: never blame yourself for having overwhelming, negative feelings. Or think you “attracted” any negative events with a “low” vibration. This is not true: you are doing the work of clearing these situations for yourself, your ancestors, your descendants and for the entire collective. Baby your …

Paradigm Shifters

Veronica Entwistle interviews Aliyah Marr Aliyah’s books, talks, and her artwork are portals to activations through art, lines, multidimensional symbols and so much more.  What does Aliyah say about our future? That there is abundant awakening on our planet that is activating a collective of beings with the use of …

The Sudden Writer

I knew I was going to write a book about five years before I actually did. I was in a meditation and I asked myself, “I’ve done all these things: art, design, teaching, etc. What is my next step?” A voice popped up in my head stating clearly, “you are …

Blind Faith

Funny that we have to parent ourselves. The trajectory of changes works like this: The body (which obviously includes the mind) panics because it doesn’t feel safe. That brings in the ego—which was evolved as a form of consciousness to help protect us in our physical forms on earth—and it …


I think that we are at our best when feeling our worst. And the courage it takes to raise our heads and smile or laugh when this is happening is where we create the most change. A smile or laugh when we feel so much sadness inside is what stirs …

Sacred or Scared?

It’s OK to be scared. The worst part of having fear or anxiety is the way we can judge ourselves for having a negative emotion. This energy is being purged from our systems. And this strong energy surging through the body feels awful to the <small> self—the ego. So we …

Remembering Wholeness

Dis-ease is a form of separation consciousness. The mind believes in death and so it acts out and achieves entropy, otherwise known as disease. I like to say to my body: “I KNOW you remember optimal health, vibrant well-being, strength, vitality, flexibility and joy-in-being.” As long as my cells can …