The Tarot of Creativity Little White Book

Tarot of Creativity Little White Book cover
Tarot of Creativity Little White Book interior frontspiece
Tarot of Creativity Little White Book interior spread 2
Tarot of Creativity Little White Book interior spread 3
Tarot of Creativity Little White Book interior spread 4
Tarot of Creativity Little White Book interior spread 5

Illustration: Aliyah Marr. The painting on the cover is the Heirophant card.

Design: The interior of the book is designed to show the card on the left side and the description/meaning of the card on the right.

Cover Typography
Kabel Book and Medium

Interior Typography
Body: ITC New Baskerville Roman
Chapter Heads: Gill Sans Light
Chapter Head Quotes: ITC New Baskerville Roman Oblique
Captions: Gill Sans Small Caps

Available on Amazon:

Illustration and Design Aliyah Marr


Book Design

Hidden GrandMa

Hidden Grandma

A children’s book that “hides” Grandma in ever-more ridiculous places. Design and branding: part of the “I Love my Grands” series.

No Time Like the Present

Stark, bright posterized illustrative style underlines the title in the artwork with the shadow of the runner that points to her future romantic interest in the distance.

The Creative Life in 365 Degrees

The cover uses very simple graphics; a circle in an elliptical orbit around the title. The image offers a visual pun that contrasts the idea of 365 days vs. 360

The Myth of Race

The image is of a push-up toy that I bought in Chelsea a few years ago. Tension is conveyed by the jarring offset of the foreground and background colors.