The Third Point

We have a world that is fragmented and polarized. Everyone is arguing about what is real, what is necessary, and what our future will be. This is happening because we need to open a dialog. At the moment, this isn’t a dialog of reasonable presentations and discussions, but a bit of a free-for-all.

I saw some years ago how our emotions create and recreate the “Matrix” in which we are embedded. If we are not able to become neutral to both sides of a polarized discussion we fall into an unconscious state where we need to defend our beliefs (which we confuse with reality).

The Third Point (C)

Imagine the current polarized state as a line (AB) with opposing viewpoints as points A and B on opposite points on that line. The third point C hovers above the line and is the top point of an imaginary equilateral triangle. From that third point, you can clearly see the other two points. They are equal to you.

This is really important: in order to gain clarity and vision, all points must be equal. Equal but different. The Third Point allows you to gain perspective on both sides of the equation and remain neutral.

As long as you feel any emotion regarding a belief, you are somewhere on that two-dimensional line. A strong emotion puts you squarely on one of the polar points. Emotions take us quickly into an “unconscious” state that feeds the Matrix. The Matrix is fed by “negative” fear-based emotions. Feeling “right” and thinking others are “wrong” puts us in a polarized state where others with more awareness, “power-over” leaders (the controllers, politicians, gurus) can easily control and manipulate us.

Finding detachment in a polarized world is an inner discipline that puts us in a state of clarity. It is the void that precedes the burst of creation. If you have read this article this far you are probably capable of achieving the necessary detachment to achieve personal “lift-off,” making it easier for others to follow.

You can achieve a third point above the polarized two-point line. That third point is exactly between the other points, and above it. In other words, you can see the equality of all points of view, and thus you can touch on unconditional love. I hesitate to use this term because of all the connotations and beliefs we have about it. But it is the only thing that comes close to expressing what this energy or force is.

Unconditional love isn’t an emotion but a state of being; one of detachment and allowance. In the state of unconditional love—or neutrality—you can then make a rational choice. Only when your point of view isn’t clouded by beliefs or emotions can you see clearly. A choice from that state is more of a preference. And the preference is based upon what you feel as you explore the possible results of each choice from the state of neutrality.

Of course, the missing piece is “what is your intent?” When you consciously declare your intent, your choice can align with it.

So, it might look like this:

Let’s say your intent is to advance peace and harmony.

From the neutrality of the third point, you can see that choice A would result in more disharmony, while choice B gets you closer to that state.

You might choose B, but you can also choose to remain in the third point until another clear set of choices comes before you.

Let’s say that the triangle is set inside a circle. Each point on that circle can now represent any of our three choices. A, B, or C?

If the triangle of viewpoints can rotate inside the circle of wholeness (consensual reality) then we can have true equality, rational discussion, and real choices. The triangle can move freely, and you can now see that polarity is actually a part of unity, not points set apart. If we can individually and collectively achieve the third point, we will be able to see how all points of view can equally serve us.

Aliyah Marr
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